Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rome, Season 1, Episode 4 Recap

The episode opens with some poor asshole getting tortured while Pompey and the Senate, along with Brutus, sit in their tent and bitch and moan because they are stuck in a tent in some shitty camp listening to dudes get tortured while Caesar and his boys chill in luxury in Rome. Scipio seems particularly pussyish while Cicero whines that he won’t be able to sleep because the dude getting tortured is screaming his balls off. Pompey explains that his son, Quintus, is the one doing the torturing and he’s good at it and so they should all shut the fuck up. He doesn’t exactly say that but he has a sort of wearied mien when dealing with these effete assholes.

Finally, the screaming stops and Cicero is all ABOUT TIME and then blathers some pussy bullshit about how it’s hard to eat when some dude is outside screaming in pain. His exact words were “Screaming makes poor sauce, I find,” and even seeing the words in print don’t spell out how much of a sniveling pussy he sounded like.

Pompey gets all pissed and basically says his son is indeed a turd but he has his uses – namely torturing people. Brutus is all OF COURSE OF COURSE but it’s clear he thinks Quintus sucks ass.

Quintus, who apparently just arrived that morning, then makes his entrance, saying that “the dog confessed at last.” He explains that the tortured dude told him what went down with the stolen gold and how Pompey’s boy was fucked up by the traitorous soldiers and then those assholes were whipped up by Vorenus, Pullo and the boys but Pompey is all NO WAY MY BOYS TELL ME THAT CAESAR DOESN’T HAVE THE GOLD. Quintus says that he and his boys always get the truth and that if Caesar doesn’t have the gold then his scouts must have kept it for themselves. Pompey is all THEN GO FIND THEM and Quintus is all YEAH YEAH I WILL and then Pompey hollers at him and tells him to get his ass in gear and Quintus is all FINE FUCK IT and leaves while all the Senators look shook as fuck.

Pompey somehow finds a way to spin all this as a positive, saying that without the gold, Caesar will be forced to keep the people in check via beat downs and such, and if he loses the love of the people then he has nothing. The Senators, of course, point out that this also means that they’re up shit creek but Pompey is desperately trying to hold onto anything positive. Basically, Pompey keeps fucking up and the Senators are all sick of his bullshit. There is one moment in all of this where Pompey is all WE’RE NOT REFUGEES WE’RE JUST MANEUVERING and Cato gives him this completely assholish and contemptible sneer. Even old ass Cato knows that Pompey is fucked.

Cut to Rome where soldiers are marching through the streets and the fat fuck town crier explains that both martial law and a curfew are in effect but he gives up when he realizes that no one’s really around to hear him given that they are all hiding in their homes.

Caesar walks through these empty streets with his slave, Posca, before heading to a temple where all the priests chant and worship Jupiter and all that, and then he comes before a council of priests where he asks that they perform auguries to prove that his intentions are honorable. The head priest is all YOU KIDDING BRO? and explains that crashing the city all bowed up with swords and shit seldom augurs well. Caesar is all I DON’T GIVE A FUCK I WANT THE AUGURIES and the head priest is all VERY WELL WE’LL RELEASE SOME FUCKIN’ DOVES ON THE FIRST CLEAN MORNING.

Cut to Posca marching purposefully through the streets. He passes some graffiti on a wall and a closer look reveals the words CAESAR TYRANNUS with a crudely drawn portrait of Caesar sucking a huge disembodied cock. Well, sure, why not? That is also what swung the last election in favor of Obama: street murals depicting McCain sucking huge cocks.

Anyway, Posca just marches on by and comes to Atia’s, where he and Atia’s slave shoot the shit. Apparently they are bros. They sit down and they go over a guest list for a party that Atia is throwing for Caesar. Posca is all I HOPE YOUR WOMAN UNDERSTANDS THAT THIS IS AN HONOR and then explains that Caesar’s hostess essentially becomes the first woman of Rome. Atia’s slave is all YEAH SHE GETS IT BUT WHAT ABOUT CAESAR’S WIFE, CALPURNIA? Posca is all THAT OLD BITCH? and then explains that she is just there for appearances and that all Caesar requires is that she sit there, look dignified and leave him the fuck alone.

They go over the guest list some more, which consists of every rich dude and nobleman left in the city, and Atia’s slave is all UH HE’S NOT GONNA SHOW UP AND KILL EVERYONE IS HE? Posca is all LOL PROBABLY NOT and Atia’s slave explains that Atia doesn’t like surprises.

Cut to Atia, who is also going over the guest list while her slaves fawn all over her and she notices Servilia’s name on the guest list and is all SERVILIA? WHAT THE FUCK? WHY INVITE THAT OLD BITCH? She thinks there can’t possibly be anything left between Servilia and Caesar and even calls Servilia a “ratted old sandal”.

Atia’s old hag of a slave, her personal handmaiden or whatever, says “There’s still some juice in her yet,” and Atia is all FUCK THAT I WON’T LET THAT OLD WHORE GET BETWEEN ME AND CAESAR. She stomps over to the bed and slaps Antony awake and asks him why Servilia is invited to the party. Antony is all WHAT THE FUCK LEAVE ME ALONE WOMAN and then brushes her off by telling her that it’s just because of Brutus and then Atia infers that Caesar is just trying to keep Brutus as his symbolic friend even though Brutus has ditched his ass because Brutus is a popular dude with the people with a shiny family name and all that on account of the fact that his family has a long and noble tradition of merking tyrants. Anyway, Atia reassures herself that it’s all just politics and has nothing to do with love or anything like that. Antony ends the scene by telling Atia to shut the fuck up and to let him sleep. His exact words are “DEAR GODS WOMAN WILL YOU LET ME SLEEP.” Antony, as always, owns.

Cut to a slave slicing the balls off of the hanging corpse of a goat. Another slave then brings them out to Atia’s courtyard and is all YOUR GOAT’S BALLS MILADY but she corrects him and explains that they are for Octavian and then tells Octavian to eat up because they’ll “put oak in your penis.” (!!!) Oh man. Octavian is all UH NO THANKS and I think we’re all with him here, you know? Atia insists, however, explaining that she thinks that Octavian has been acting like a damn woman, basically calling him a little fag. Octavian is all BUT I’M ONLY A BOY but Atia cuts him off and explains that when her father was the same age he was fucking the shit out of all the slave girls and that men of the Julii are all hard as fuck and to just shut up and eat his goat’s balls. Octavian gets all petulant and won’t eat his goat’s balls so Atia pulls the old YOU’LL NOT LEAVE THIS ROOM UNTIL YOU FINISH YOUR TESTACLES like they’re Brussel Sprouts or some shit. She barks some orders at her slaves while Octavia watches this whole ridiculous scene and then is all I’M WAITING while Octavian looks all shook because, well, because his mom is trying to make him eat balls. He finally scarfs one down and looks like he’s going to hurl and Atia coos and fawns over him, all THAT’S MY BRAVE BOY. An awe inspiring scene. Just amazing.

Anyway, Atia finally leaves and Octavia approaches Octavian and flat out asks him if Atia had Glabius’ worthless ass killed. Octavian is all WHAT? NOOOOO but Octavia still seems unsure. Octavian is all WELL I CAN’T PROVE IT, BUT I DOUBT IT and Octavia is all IF SHE DID I’LL RIP THAT BITCHES THROAT OUT and Octavian is all WOAH.

Over to the square in front of Casa de Vorenus now, where Vorenus is counting out some money and bitching to some old broad about how much the feast he’s planning is going to cost. She tells him that it’s so expensive because it’s a shitty time and everyone is too scared to even leave their own houses. Vorenus explains to her that he needs a feast because he’s starting a business and apparently that’s just what you gotta do.

Anyway, they talk a bit about Caesar and she says that she remembers when that old cocksucker Sulla invaded the city and that there was so much blood you could paint houses with it. Vorenus is all NAH NOT MY BOY CAESAR and explains that Caesar’s goal is just to keep the peace. She’s all YEAH YEAH WE’LL SEE and then tells Vorenus that if he can find her a pig, she’ll throw him a feast. Vorenus bitches about the price some more and she then passive aggressively goads him into paying when she explains that some old broad skimped on the food at her husband’s funeral and no one would let her forget that shit.

Vorenus then kneels before a bust of the head of the god Janus and with Niobe and his youngest daughter (Apparently the budget this week only allowed casting to pay for one daughter, although I'm not sure why they chose her and not the older daughter, who actually has had a purpose in the show. I don't know, maybe the actress who plays the younger daughter was cheaper because she's smaller. I know that doesn't make any sense, but fuck it, just go with me here. I mean, it's possible that they pay the actors by the pound, right? Although, in that case the fat fuck newsreader would be the highest paid actor on the show so maybe not. Fuck, leave me alone.) he prays that his business will be a success. He’s interrupted though by a damn midget (really) who tells Vorenus that his presence is requested by Mark Antony.

Cut to Antony’s, where he’s standing buck ass naked in his courtyard getting measured or something for . . . a new toga? I don’t know. The key thing to take away here is that he’s buck ass naked, with his dick flapping in the breeze, when Vorenus shows up with the midget. Read that sentence again and then you’ll start to understand just a little of why this show is so amazing.

Anyway, Antony dismisses the midget, who’s named Cato, and then Antony is all LOL CATO GET IT BRO? but Vorenus isn’t laughing. Antony just brushes off Vorenus’ humorlessness and then shoots the shit with him, asking him how civilian life is going. Antony is still buck ass naked this whole time by the way.

Antony then tells Vorenus that he could have him crucified for desertion, but he says it all casual like, which for some reason makes it both more menacing and funny. Vorenus is all I DID MY TIME and then starts in with “It is you who . . .” and then checks himself and Antony’s eyes get all big and he’s all YEAH BRO YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? Vorenus knows he’s stepped in it now but he plows on anyway. He explains that once over the Rubicon, Romans are citizens, not soldiers and then starts blathering on about how legally that was the only thing he could do but Antony just rolls his eyes and is all YOU A DAMN FOOL SON. Vorenus starts up again but Antony’s HAD ENOUGH. He tells Vorenus to shut the fuck up and is all THINGS CHANGE MOTHERFUCKER and explains to Vorenus that the Republic is straight fucked and Caesar is trying to save it. Vorenus doesn’t buy this horseshit but Antony decides to just let it drop and asks Vorenus what he’s going to do for work. Vorenus explains that he’s going to import goods from Gaul, like truffles and wine and, of course, slaves. Antony laughs at him and is all A GROCER? Which makes sense because I know that every time I get groceries, the first three things I always pick up and put in my cart are some truffles, a couple of bottles of wine and a few slaves.

Anyway, Antony gives Vorenus shit and is all YOU WON’T MAKE IT BRO YOU’RE A SOLDIER and then finally gets to the point, telling Vorenus that he and Caesar need him because they have a shitload of fighting ahead. Vorenus is all FIGHTING AGAINST OTHER ROMANS NO THANKS but Antony sternly explains “Blood is blood.” He continues to goad Vorenus, all WOULD YOU REALLY LET THE 13TH RIDE WITHOUT YOU and then tells Vorenus that if he returns he’d get a promotion, an induction into the Evocati as a prefect of the first grade with a signing bonus to boot. Vorenus is tempted but is all I MADE MY CHOICE. Antony looks disgusted and is all YOU GRIEVE ME VORENUS and then tells Vorenus to get the fuck out but before he leaves he tells him that the next time he sees him he might not be so kind. Oh, daaaaaamn.

Cut to Casa de Vorenus where Niobe is getting her fortune read by some hag who can apparently tell the future by, uh . . . cutting raw meat? Anyway, the fortune teller tells Niobe that the signs are uncertain when it comes to whether or not Vorenus will find out about the bastard child she had with another dude while he was off slaughtering hella Gauls but, on the bright side, the signs say that Vorenus will be rich as hell. Niobe is all WELL THAT’S SOMETHING, ISN’T IT? Typical woman amirite?

Elsewhere, Ata is getting all gussied up, picking out wigs and shit while Servilia does the same at her place. Servilia is all nervous and asks her slave what she looked like eight years before. Her slave is all HEY FUCK IT THE ONLY ASS CAESAR’S GOTTEN IN THE LAST EIGHT YEARS HAS BEEN UGLY OLD BARBARIAN ASS and Servilia seems mollified. She asks her slave how she looks and her slave tells her “like flowers”. Servilia says “In bloom?” Her old ass slave just gives her a wry smile and then walks away without comment. Heh. Menopause jokes in ancient Rome. Hell yeah.

Cut to Caesar and Posca in the streets, where Caesar tells Posca how much he should spend bribing various officials. Posca is all shook because they are running out of cash and tells Caesar that they must kill some rich dudes soon and take their money. Caesar insists that he won’t kill anyone unless absolutely necessary. Posca makes fun of him a bit, all HEY YEAH THAT’S A GOOD STRATEGY BRO but Caesar shushes him and says “Later you may nag me.” Heh.

Caesar then walks away from Posca, who’s basically his real wife, to meet his official wife, Calpurnia, who’s some old hag. She’s all I LOOK OKAY? Caesar takes a moment to compose himself, probably because it’s quite likely that his wife has a penis, and is all YES, VERY REGAL, and it’s clear that he’s just looking for a diplomatic way of telling her that she’s a plain old broad who he has no interest in ever fucking.

Meanwhile, Vorenus is throwing a shit fit because no one has come to his feast. Niobe reassures him but he’s all Vorenus like and morose and depressing but Niobe is sweet (probably because that fortune teller just told her Vorenus is gonna be rich) and gentle and tells him that people will come. She also tells him that when they do to be nice and to, well, to basically not be himself.

Just then, some dude named Erastes Fulmen shows up. He’s apparently the guest of honor because he’s a rich fucker who runs shit in that part of town. Basically, he’s like a modern day crime boss. He’s all friendly and he and Vorenus go off to shoot the shit when Niobe notices her sister and her husband show up. And, of course, her sister’s husband is the rat motherfucker who boned Niobe when Vorenus was off killing dudes. Niobe is nervous as fuck but her sister, Lyde, assures her that everything is cool.

Just then, Vorenus comes over and is actually really friendly for a change. He’s all LITTLE LYDE even though Lyde looks older than Niobe and then he shakes hands with the rat motherfucker, who’s named Evander, and thanks him for providing him with the pig for the feast. Vorenus is all friendly while everyone else is shook as fuck because they know that with one slip of the tongue Vorenus will run fucking wild on all of them. Good times!

Meanwhile, at Atia’s, Caesar’s party is underway. The guests have all arrived. Caesar isn’t there yet, but Atia is playing the good hostess. She greets Servilia, and is patronizing as hell and they basically stare daggers into one another. In an aside to her slave, Atia is all SHE CLEANS UP NICE BUT SHE’S STILL OLD AS FUCK CAESAR CAN DO BETTER.

Cut to Caesar marching slowly down the street to the party, surrounded by some hard ass soldiers. They show up and bang on the door and Caesar basically looks all Gangsta as fuck. The door opens and Caesar’s herald is all EVERYONE BACK THE FUCK UP HERE COMES THE MAN. Caesar enters and Atia, along with Octavian and Octavia bow at his feet. He’s all COME ON NOW IT’S JUST YOUR UNCLE GAIUS but it’s pretty clear he loves this shit. He then tells everyone to chill the fuck out and lift their heads. He then goes around the room, checking everyone out and everyone is all nervous as hell. He stops in front of Servilia and is all SERVILIA OF THE JUNII? DID I GET THAT RIGHT? His wife has to stop herself from rolling her eyes at this ridiculous bullshit and deadpans “Delightful.” Heh.

Caesar tells Servilia that he’s sorry that Brutus isn’t there with her and Servilia is all I’M SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE HIM HE STILL LOVES YOU and Caesar tells her that he gets it completely and to tell Brutus that they’re cool and will never have a reason to fear him. He uses this as a springboard to tell all the guests to chill and that none of them have any reason to worry – no matter where their allegiances lay in the past.

Cut to Quintus and his assholes riding into the city. They disguise themselves as random peasants and manage to get through the city gate, but not before the city guard tells them to stay away from the decent women. Right on.

Back at Vorenus’ feast, Erastes Fulmen and Vorenus shoot the shit and talk politics. Erastes is all I BET YOU HOPE YOUR MAN CAESAR WINS but Vorenus is all HE’S NOT MY MAN and Erastes looks surprised. They talk about business and Vorenus tells him his plans for an import business. Erastes tells Vorenus that he has friends, and if he needs any help to just come to him. The whole time they are talking, Evander is making eyes at Niobe and is basically openly lusting after her and Lyde, Niobe’s sister, looks incredibly depressed, like she’s about to cry and Niobe is terrified that Vorenus will see and shit will get raw.

Back to Atia’s where the head priest is carrying on about some bullshit and basically sounding like the most effete dude who ever loved. Seriously, it’s ridiculous. Caesar and Antony keep looking at each other like JESUS THIS DUDE IS FUCKING UNREAL but because they need him they humor him and agree with every stupid thing he says. They kiss his fat old ass and he just laps that shit up even though it’s obvious they are just buttering him up.

Meanwhile, Atia chides Octavian for being too quiet and not mingling and Octavian actually says “You know I cannot talk small, Mother.” It owns in its utter haughtiness. Atia just shakes that off and tells Octavia to rattle off some poetry. She does and it’s an incredibly depressing poem and Atia is all UHHH . . . and then explains to Servilia that Octavia just lost her husband. As usual the interplay between Atia and her kids is fucking hilarious and awkward as hell.

And back to Vorenus’ feast yet again, where everyone is living it up, dancing and basically getting drunk and all the other fun things you do at a party. Lyde is shitfaced and doing the Roman equivalent of dirty dancing with random dudes while Evander just stands in a corner and watches. Niobe is all OH FUCK THIS IS BAD and looks panicked as hell, but Vorenus still hasn’t noticed anything because he’s busy trying to kiss Erastes' ass. But Niobe’s friend, the nosy neighbor lady, sees what’s up and tells Niobe that it was a mistake to invite Lyde. Niobe is all SHE’S MY SISTER IT WOULD BE FUCKED UP IF SHE DIDN’T COME but she knows this is a bad situation.

Anyway, her friend takes it upon herself to tell Evander to drag his drunk ass wife the fuck out of there before Vorenus puts two and two together and runs wild. Evander tries to make her go but she’s all FUCK YOU ASSHOLE and then threatens to tell Vorenus what went down between him and Niobe. Naturally, he freaks the fuck out and is all HE’LL KILL US ALL and I just love how even though Vorenus is essentially the show’s hero, everyone thinks he’s a fucking psychopath who will just butcher everyone all the time. Lyde breaks down and starts hollering and crying WHY WON’T YOU LOVE ME? Niobe’s had enough and she confronts Lyde and is all SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PROMISED NOT TO SAY ANYTHING but Lyde is all raw now and starts hollering at Vorenus, calling him a blind fool and shit. Thankfully, the music is still jumping and so no one is paying too close attention to her drunk ass, otherwise, yeah, it’s killing time.

Vorenus finally notices all the commotion though and gets up to go see what the fuck is going on. Lyde is fucking hysterical by this point and Evander is just trying to drag her drunk ass out of there but she won’t cooperate and in the struggle, the couple backs into the table holding the bust of Janus’ head and it falls to the ground, shattering. Oh shiiiiiiiiit. Vorenus looks like he just got cornholed by an elephant.

Back at Atia’s where things are a bit calmer. Caesar approaches the head priest again, but not before taking Posca aside and asking the name of the dude's wife. He sits down with the priest and is all HOW’S YOUR WIFE BRO I THINK I FORGOT HER LAST BIRTHDAY WHAT SHOULD I GIVE HER AS A GIFT? The priest seems confused but seems to figure it out quickly enough. Meanwhile, Antony has parked himself on the other side of the priest.

The priest is all MY WIFE IS A WOMAN OF EXPENSIVE TASTES. Antony and Caesar play along and up the amount of the gift/bribe but the fat assed priest still insists on haggling, telling them that she would dress her slaves in silk if he’d let her and that she eats oysters for breakfast daily. Antony, that raw motherfucker, leans in and says “She should be most careful. People often choke on oysters.” He says it with a smile, but he’s still dark and menacing as hell, which is fast becoming the Antony trademark. The priest looks like he just shit his pants and when Caesar throws out another number he stumbles all over himself accepting it. Antony owns so hard.

Caesar and Antony get up and leave once they’ve made themselves clear. They’re done with his fat ass and he knows the score now so they don’t need to waste their time with him anymore. Caesar tells Posca to make a note of the bribe and Posca is all WHAT THE FUCK? when he hears how much it is. They need money. And fast.

Quick cut to Quintus and his men stalking the streets looking vaguely menacing and then we cut to Casa de Vorenus, or more accurately the square in front of the house, which is now empty, with the exception of Niobe, who is busy cleaning up the broken statue and Vorenus, who’s just sitting with his head in his hands looking completely dismayed. Also, I should mention that Niobe looks hot as hell all prettied up in this episode. Why should I mention that? Well, why the fuck not?

Anyway, she tells Vorenus that they will go to the temple tomorrow and ask for forgiveness but Vorenus is all NO NO WE STRAIGHT FUCKED THAT WAS A BAD OMEN AIN’T NOTHING GONNA FIX THAT SHIT and then adds that Lyde and her dipshit husband are BANNED FOREVER from Casa de Vorenus. Goddamn. That’s some harsh shit right there but Niobe is all OKAY COOL, all relieved because, well, you know . . .

Just then, fucking Quintus and his assholes show up and are all CENTURION LUCIUS VORENUS? Vorenus is all WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? Quintus announces his presence and Vorenus is all GET THE FUCK OUT HOW DARE YOU COME HERE but Quintus’ boy pulls a sword on Vorenus and Quintus is all WHERE’S THE GOLD MOTHERFUCKER? Vorenus doesn’t know shit because, remember, Pullo stole that shit and rode off with that slave girl at the end of the last episode. Quintus gets all raw and is all I ASSUME THAT THIS WHORE IS YOUR WIFE and then orders his men to grab her. Vorenus is all LOOK MOTHERFUCKER I DON’T KNOW SHIT ABOUT NO GOLD. Quintus is all BULLSHIT and the two start arguing. The whole time, Vorenus has a sword to his throat but he’s not having this shit. Quintus tells him that he knows he was chief scout but Vorenus is all YEAH SO FUCKING WHAT I DON’T HAVE THE GOLD ASSHOLE.

While they are arguing, we see a bunch of slaves carrying a litter. It stops just in front of the entrance to the square. Quintus and Vorenus keep going back and forth and finally Quintus is all FUCK IT and orders his men to cut Niobe. We then cut back to the litter, which has been lowered enough so that we can see that it’s carrying Pullo. Oh shiiiiiiiit. Quintus, you and your boys are about to get STRAIGHT FUCKED.

Quintus and his boys notice Pullo coming and quickly withdraw their swords and pretend like everything’s cool. Pullo gets off the litter and tosses a bunch of gold in the air and all the slaves go wild and chase after it. Man, Pullo owns. Anyway, he has that slave girl with him and they both look happy as shit. Pullo is all dressed up in fancy robes and she’s all dolled up too, like white trash that just won the lotto.

Anyway, Pullo sees Vorenus and is all WHY SO SERIOUS? He keeps walking and it’s then that he sees Quintus and his boys. They are all just standing around and none of them are making any threatening moves or anything but right away Pullo knows what’s up because he’s a raw motherfucker and he knows when dudes are ready to get down. He makes sure the slave girl knows to keep back and then struts on in, all bowed up and confident. He’s all WHAT’S ALL THIS THEN? Quintus gets all pompous and introduces himself. Pullo acts all mock impressed and asks what the fuck he’s doing there. Vorenus carefully explains the bullshit about the treasury gold but Pullo just laughs it off. Quintus gets all dickish and calls Pullo a peasant. Pullo just smirks and tells him “You be off now short ass and take these scum with you.” Oh, shiiiiiiit.

Of course, it’s on. Quintus gets all pissed and pulls his sword but Pullo tosses a bunch of money in the air and while all of Quintus’ assholes are distracted, he attacks and he and Vorenus of course beat the fuck out of everyone while Niobe hauls ass back to the house. The highlight of the brawl is probably Vorenus repeatedly slamming Quintus’ head into a table. 7 or 8 on 2? Fuck it. When the two are Vorenus and Pullo, that shit doesn’t matter.

Cut to the interior of Casa de Vorenus now, where Vorenus sits at his kitchen table with his head in his hands, all dismayed, while Pullo sits over a knocked out Quintus and ties him up. Pullo is all LET’S PUT THIS FUCKER IN THE RIVER AND THEN GO DIG UP THE REST OF THE GOLD AND THEN HAUL ASS FOR THE COAST AND MAKE OUR WAY TO SPAIN. Vorenus tells him to shut the fuck up because he’s trying to think and Pullo is all WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT IT’S A GOOD PLAN and Vorenus loses his shit and is all FIRST OF ALL IT’S A MONSTROUS SIN, SECOND OF ALL YOU JUST RODE AROUND TOWN ON A FUCKING LITTER AND EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT YOU DID AND WHERE YOU ARE AND WE’RE ALL FUCKED THANKS A LOT BRO and Pullo is all OKAY SO THEN WHAT SHOULD I DO? Vorenus tells him he has to take it back, bring Quintus with him to sweeten the deal and then beg Caesar for mercy and forgiveness.

Pullo is all FUCK THAT but Vorenus is all IT’S NOT ADVICE BRO IT’S A FUCKING ORDER. Pullo starts arguing, saying that he was coming to share all the gold with his boy Vorenus but Vorenus has HAD ENOUGH. He barks at Pullo again, and Pullo straightens up like a good soldier. Vorenus is all exasperated and says “Damn you, my home was invaded and my wife damn near killed on your account!” I don't know why but that made me laugh. I think it's because that's how much of a fuckup Pullo is. He just rode of with some gold and because of it Vorenus' home was invaded and his wife almost died.

Pullo just looks at him like OOPS SORRY BRO and then is all OKAY OKAY FINE I’LL RETURN IT. He’s also all BUT YOU’LL COME WITH ME, RIGHT BRO? Vorenus is all FUCK THAT and tells him that it’s his mess and he needs to get himself out of it. Pullo’s all FINE THEN FUCK IT I’LL BE OFF THEN. He makes sure to salute Vorenus and then scoops up Quintus and off he goes. The interplay between Vorenus and Pullo is great here. Pullo fucking loves Vorenus, man. That’s his boy and he can’t understand why Vorenus doesn’t want to share some of Pullo’s stolen gold. Meanwhile, Vorenus just treats Pullo like an annoying pest, but one that he can’t help but love. Pullo fucked up huge and even after he finally understand what he did wrong he just assumes that Vorenus will come with him because, hey, why not, you know? That’s his bro. But Vorenus isn’t quite where Pullo is and is all HELL NO. Pullo keeps sucking him in but Vorenus is fighting like hell because he doesn’t want to like Pullo, you know? This will be a huge theme throughout the season and the climax of said theme, when it finally comes together and Vorenus has to decide whether to shit or get off the pot when it comes to Pullo, is fucking glorious.

Back to Atia’s where Posca whispers something to Caesar. Caesar can’t hide his surprise and is all YO I’LL BE RIGHT BACK. He hustles outside and Antony jumps up to join him. On his way out, Caesar and Servilia share a lingering look. Servilia smiles because she knows she’ll be getting the fabled penis of the Julii later on. Atia notices all this and looks vaguely panicked.

Outside, Quintus is all tied up and writhing around on the ground in pain. Pullo’s slave girl is sitting all sheepish, unsure of what the fuck is going on and Pullo is just standing there awaiting judgment. Antony bounds out first and says “Pullo, you scoundrel. What have you done now?” Like, of course Pullo would show up at a party with a slave girl and a dude all beaten and tied up, you know? I love it.

Anyway, Pullo tries to explain himself but Antony tells him to chill and is all WHO IS THIS? Pullo explains that it’s Quintus and Antony just starts laughing. He then says “Quintus, my old cock, how good to see you so.” Man, Antony is just the fucking BEST. Really, I can never capture on the page just how cocky and dickish Antony is. It’s his tone of voice, the way he moves, the way he smirks, the way he’s both completely out of control and completely in control of every situation at the same time, and the way he can so quickly flip from jovial to fucking deadly. It’s all of that and so much more. He’s the MVP of this show and on this show, with these characters and these actors, that’s saying something.

Anyway, Pullo tries to explain how he came to be at their doorstep with Quintus all tied up. He’s all HE CAME TO FIND THE GOLD SEE, AND . . . Caesar is all WHAT THE FUCK??? WHAT GOLD??? It’s kind of funny actually. Pullo keeps explaining and Caesar realizes that Pompey doesn’t have the gold and he, Antony and Pullo step aside to have a little conference where Pullo explains the whole story. He apologizes and is all I MEANT NO DISRESPECT BUT THERE WAS THIS GIRL and Caesar is all FUCK WHO CARES ABOUT THE GIRL? and is all JUST TELL ME WHERE THE FUCKING GOLD IS.

Pullo tells him where it’s buried and Caesar looks like he’s going to cry he’s so happy. He looks up at the heavens and is all THANK YOU. Well, Pompey, you fucked, Holmes.

Back inside, a bunch of dancers carry on and everyone is all drunk and laying around like degenerates and it’s a typical Roman Bacchanalia. Atia looks depressed despite all this, probably because she knows that Caesar and Servilia will be fucking ASAP and Octavian looks bored, probably because he’s Octavian and hates everything but power and politics. He wanders away from the party.

Outside, Pullo unties Quintus who is all YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS SHIT and Pullo whips his ass. Caesar is all LEAVE HIM BE and Quintus, showing his appreciation, calls Caesar a traitor and tells him to kiss his ass. Well, then. Pullo beats him down some more and Antony’s all FEISTY LITTLE GUY. Heh. Caesar doesn’t get mad though. He just tells Quintus to go back to his father with an offer of truce. Naturally, Antony is all WHAT THE FUCK? ARE YOU CRAZY? Caesar tells him to shut the fuck up but he keeps on arguing so Caesar just looks at him and again tells him to shut the fuck up, this time more forcefully, and Antony is smart enough to clam up.

Caesar explains that if more blood is spilled it won’t be his fault but the fault of Pompey and those old fuckers in the Senate. Quintus is STILL all dickish and is all YO MY DAD DOESN’T NEED A FUCKING TRUCE IN TWO MONTHS HE’LL BE BACK AND HE’LL PUT YOUR HEAD ON A FUCKING PIKE. Antony is all JESUS YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE and Pullo gets ready to give him another beatdown but Caesar just orders them to put Quintus on a horse.

Back inside, Atia sits down next to Servilia and is all YOU NAUGHTY WOMAN YOU NEVER TOLD ME CAESAR LIKED TO GET RAW UP IN THAT ASS. Servilia, of course, denies everything but Atia is all I SAW HOW HE LOOKED AT YOU THAT DUDE'S DICK WAS HARD. She patronizes Servilia but Servilia isn’t having that shit. She firmly denies that anything is going on and removes Atia’s hand when Atia starts inexplicably stroking her face and complimenting her on her beauty. Atia then turns to Calpurnia, Caesar’s wife, and is all YO, CALPURNIA, SERVILIA’S PRETTY HOT, ISN’T SHE? She actually says “She has none of the goatishness one normally sees in women her age.” DAAAAAAMMMMMN. Before a giant cat fight breaks out, Calpurnia, who knows the fucking score, says “You’re attempting levity, I believe” all tired like and then basically tells Atia to shut the fuck up.

Outside, Posca is putting Quintus on a horse and Antony is all MAN THAT’S A MISTAKE but Caesar is just all THERE ARE A LOT OF DUDES I’LL PROBABLY REGRET NOT KILLING BEFORE THIS IS OVER and then summons Pullo who looks shook as fuck. Caesar flat out calls him a thief and calls him a fool but because he’s been their boy in the past they’ll overlook his thievery. He also notes that fortune seems to have taken Pullo for a pet and then decides that he’ll even reward him. He tells Antony that when they go dig up the gold to give Pullo 100 gold pieces. Pullo is all FUCK YEAH, thanks Caesar and prepares to be off. Caesar then turns to Antony and coolly and calmly tells him never to question him in front of their enemies. And it’s here that you can see how much Antony has learned from Caesar. They both have that calm and cool way of threatening someone that is utterly unnerving. Caesar is the master and Antony is the student. For now.

Antony, Pullo and a bunch of soldiers then take off to dig up the gold and Caesar turns to Octavian who’s been standing there the whole time, watching all of this unfold. Octavian seems confused and Caesar asks “Why do you frown, little owl?” Octavian explains that Mark Antony makes sense, and that a truce doesn’t seem tactically correct. Caesar says that it depends on the terms and now Octavian gets it. Octavian notes that Caesar offers terms that Pompey cannot accept but which the Senate can. Caesar chuckles, impressed with his grand-nephew’s sharp mind. Clearly, he is grooming the boy for greatness. But, just then, in the middle of a sentence, Caesar goes stone still and Posca catches him just as he collapses.

Posca and Octavian prop Caesar up and walk him to a closet. Octavian is all WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??? and asks if Caesar’s been poisoned. Posca explains that the dude is just having a seizure and that it will pass in a minute. He tells Octavian to shut the fucking door. Octavian is all SHOULD WE CALL A DOCTOR and Posca is all FUCK THAT NO ONE CAN KNOW BECAUSE IF THEY DID THEN NO ONE WOULD FOLLOW HIM because apparently having a seizure means your ass is cursed or something. Posca puts a stick in Caesar’s mouth so he doesn’t bite his fucking tongue off and Caesar has his fit. While all this is going on, a slave woman from the kitchen looks on and wonders what the fuck is going on.

Back inside, shit is getting debauched while outside Caesar is thrashing about. The two scenes play out against one another and then the music inside suddenly stops. We cut quickly to the outside where that slave eavesdrops at the door and hears Caesar grunting and carrying on. Naturally she thinks he’s in there fucking the shit out of someone.

In the closet, Caesar regains his composure and makes Octavian swear to never speak of it again. They collect themselves and leave the closet. Caesar and Octavian leave first and the slave woman watches and is all HUH, thinking that Caesar was just in there buttfucking Octavian, which . . . GODDAMN. She turns away before she can see Posca follow them out.

Caesar goes back inside and Calpurnia is all EVERYTHING COOL? Caesar is all IT’S NOTHING SERIOUS BABY and then they tell Atia that they are leaving. Atia looks like she’s going to cry.

Outside, Caesar and Calpurnia discuss the evening. Caesar tells her that he won’t be coming home with her because he's got business to attend to and she gets all pissed because it’s not proper to conduct business at night. Caesar doesn’t give a fuck though because he says he has to prepare to haul ass after Pompey in the morning. Of course this is all bullshit though, because he immediately heads of to Servilia’s place.

We then have several mood shots, including Servilia nervously waiting to see if Caesar will show up to give her some of that thundercock, and Niobe lying wide awake while Vorenus sleeps, presumably shook because of the bullshit with Evander and Lyde.

We cut to Atia sitting alone, crying in her now empty house. Octavian sees her and tries to comfort her. He asks her what’s wrong and she sobs “I’m all alone” and then collapses into her young son’s arms.

Meanwhile, Servilia awaits Caesar, who finally shows up. Without a word, he kisses her and they presumably fuck.

Elsewhere, back at Pompey’s camp, Pompey reads Caesar’s offer of truce and then balls it up and tosses it in the trash. The Senators and Brutus are all eager to find out what Caesar has to say and they dig out the truce, see what it is and are all MAYBE WE SHOULD. Quintus is all beat down but from his back he manages to rip on the Senators. He calls them women and then mutters some shit about how he’ll have everyone raped by dogs. Fucking Quintus, man. Dude just talks a steady stream of shit, even when he’s been beaten half to death.

Anyway, Pompey tells him to shut the fuck up and tells him to get the fuck out. He then asks the Senate to forgive Quintus and then he and the Senators argue about the truce. Basically, Cicero and Brutus want to accept the truce but Pompey and Cato aren’t having that shit. Pompey loses his shit and calls them all women and then he and Cato storm out. Old ass Cato calls them all fools like a dickhead.

Cut to Vorenus praying while Evander tries to woo Niobe back at Casa de Vorenus. Evander is all TELL ME YOU LOVE HIM and Niobe swears that she loves Vorenus. They are all holding hands though and seem very, I guess tender would be the right word, and unlucky for them, Pullo chooses just then to drop by. He just watches them for a moment and it seems like he can’t quite understand what he’s seeing. Niobe sees him and overreacts. She’s all TITUS PULLO WHAT A JOY! Pullo asks where Vorenus is and Niobe tells him he’s making amends at the shrine of Janus. Pullo, by the way, is still accompanied by his slave girl, who looks scared shitless every time they show her. She probably doesn’t have a clue what the fuck is going on. Some big tough dude chucking money everywhere, dudes getting beat down, rich dudes sonning other dudes and lecturing the big tough dude, random people fighting, some Indian woman who the writers inexplicably tried to pass of as Roman having tender moments with dudes who aren't her husband. I mean, at some point wouldn't you stop and be all HEY YO WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?

Anyway, Niobe is all shook, but Pullo doesn’t say anything that would lead her to believe that he’s suspicious. Niobe introduces Pullo to Evander and Pullo just kinda stares at him and then is all EVANDER, HUH? Evander is all nervous, and hey, why not, you know? He wishes Pullo good health and then Niobe makes them both sit down and pours them a drink. Both Niobe and Evander are all frazzled and Pullo just sits and watches them both. He knows the score and they all know it.

Elsewhere, the head priest gets ready to read the auguries. Caesar kneels before him, and the priest motions for some dudes to release some doves that have been prearranged for the occasion. The doves of course fly out and pass across the view of the window, which is a good omen. The head priest proclaims that the auguries are good and then heads out and signals to the waiting crowd that everything’s cool. The crowd goes wild and then we cut to a shot of Caesar, still kneeling, a priest’s hand on his head and a smile creeps on his face when he hears the roar of the crowd. Caesar has just successfully played the whole world.

WHO BONED? All of the fucking was implied in this episode, which, I think, may be the only time that is the case in this series. Anyway, presumably Atia and Antony got it on, and so did Niobe and Vorenus. Caesar and Servilia definitely fucked. Some slave lady also thought Caesar fucked Octavian but we know that didn't happen. Still, in terms of the characters in the show, it is believed to have happened. I don't know if that should count but fuck it, I don't care.

WHO DIED? That dude who was being tortured by Quintus at the beginning of the episode presumably died, but that was about it. Again, we didn't get to see anything which again, may make this the only episode where that is the case.
That asshole Quintus did get his ass beat a whole lot though. Also, Vorenus and Pullo beat the fuck out of Quintus' men and even though we never saw any of them die, I don't think they would have just left their dude Quintus there in some asshole's house all beaten up and shit. Then again, I don't think even Vorenus and Pullo could get away with straight up murdering dudes outside of Vorenus' house but who knows?

RAWEST DEATH: Uh, well, I guess it would be the dude tortured to death by Quintus at the beginning of the episode, but I'm going to cheat here and say the rawest fight/death scene was Vorenus slamming Quintus' head repeatedly into his table. Perhaps that is cheating but once again, fuck it, I don't give a shit.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Family Matters

Ah Family Matters, the anchor of the TGIF lineup. Without Family Matters giving them a lead in at eight, would Step By Step have been able to stay on the air for like 20 years? I think not. What makes Family Matters differ from other bland family TGIF shows is that what started out as a simple down to earth sitcom about a middle class African-American family in Chicago later turned into a show about that family’s relationship with a 14 year old nerd that lived next door.

When Family Matters started way back in the year of our lord 1990, the show was a average sitcom about a fat ass cop named Carl Winslow who has to deal with his wacky kids (Eddie, Laura, and Judy,) his bitch of a wife Harriet, (seriously all she did in eight years of the show was make bitchy comments to her husband) Harriet’s sister Rachel and her son, and last but not least Carl’s sassy mom. The average plot would be something along the lines of “Eddie changes his report card so he gets all A’s!! Will he tell his parents?! But later in season one, everything changed. We saw the debut of Steve Urkel (played by Jaleel White), a 12 year old kid with a cartoon 1950’s nerd outfit on and a cartoon sounding voice to match who liked to stalk Laura. The character was a big hit with the kinds of people who makeup sitcom studio audience's and it was clear that the world would be seeing more of Steve Urkel.

Normally in a situation (Not THAT situation) like this you would think that the powers at be at Family Matters would see that Urkel was a interesting character, a foil for Carl/Laura and decide to make Urkel a recurring character who would maybe someday make the opening credits. This was the case for the rest of season one which had Urkel pop up a few more times. However at the start of season two of Family, the direction of the show totally changed. Not only was Jaleel White added to the opening credits, but almost every episode of the show revolved around Steve Urkel somehow (“Urkel burns down the restaurant, Urkel does the “Urkel dance” Urkel builds a fucking Urkelbot that fights crime). With the show revolving around Urkel most of the other characters (except for like Carl, Eddie and Laura) seemed to come and go/change into other people as they please.

As the years went on the show started having many sci-fi based storylines. For example Urkel invented a transformation chamber where the nerd could change into different personalities such as Stefan Urkel (A cool version of himself), Bruce Lee Urkel, and we can not forget Elvis Urkel. Steve also created a time travel device called an “Urkpad” (hey better name than IPad). The strange thing about those inventions is that the other characters on the show did not act like Urkel creating those inventions was a big deal. Nor did Urkel become rich and famous for inventing time travel for fucks sake.

Next time I will go over some of the characters on the show one by one. I will also try to get to the bottom of what the hell happened to Judy Winslow.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Once upon a time, TV was just as stupid as it is today, but all the stupidity was scripted and not spontaneous stupidity on display due to shoving a camera up some shrew with a bad haircut’s cavernous cunt. In that fabled age, the early 1990s, no one had blogs about TV shows and if you wanted to discuss your favorite shows, you’d have to do it with actual human beings in a face to face context or at a “water cooler”. Back then, there were still new depths to plumb in the world of television and the world was blissfully unaware of the existence of Tyra Banks and her rapacious ego. Truly, it was a Dark Age.
But there was one shining light in that vast, all consuming darkness: The Fox Network.
Yes, believe it or not kids, Fox used to be really awesome and came to be known as the edgy, upstart broadcast network that pushed boundaries the Big 3 feared to touch. When the network started, it only had two prime-time shows: Married With Children & The Tracy Ullman Show. Soon, it added several new shows: Mr. President, Duet, Werewolf & 21 Jump Street. Of these, one went on to become a television institution, three are virtually forgotten, another is known primarily for having launched The Simpsons, and the last is cultural footnote for being the show that launched the career of future superstar Richard Grieco. When the Fox Network started, very few people thought it would last a year, let alone one day pay Ryan Seacrest millions of dollars for no discernable reason. The Fox Network was the first place I ever heard the word “whore” on broadcast television. It was a far cry from the Fox of today. For one thing, there was only one animated show.
Looking back at Fox’s programming decisions in the early years, it’s easy to see why the oracles of TV predicted its failure. There seemed to be nothing it wouldn’t greenlight, including a sitcom about life after a nuclear apocalypse (Whoops!) and a show where Sam Kinison yelled at Tim Matheson (Charlie Hoover). Being that I was a weird middle schooler by the point all this was happening, I absolutely loved pretty much anything Fox would put on the air.
Of all the shows Fox had the bravery/stupidity to put on the air, none was as weirdly brilliant and brilliantly weird as Get A Life. Get A Life starred Chris Elliot, one of the oddest looking dudes to ever be allowed on TV, as 30 year old paperboy Chris Peterson, who still lived with his parents and in a constant state of whimsical obliviousness to his own stupidity and everyone in his life’s contempt and disrespect for him. Chris’ mom and dad were played by Elliot’s real life dad Bob and Elinor Donahue, both of whom were Old Hollywood veterans.
Get A Life doesn’t sound like a genius show if you just describe its premise, you really have to see it to get the full experience. Sadly, it’s out of print on DVD at the moment, but if you can torrent, you can watch this show, and if you’ve never seen it, you owe it to yourself to do so immediately. You can feed your baby later.
Anyway, Get A Life is one of the best sitcoms ever aired, but few people remember it, or for that matter its star. Even I forgot about Elliot for a few years, even though through his appearances on Letterman’s Late Night show and the unjustly overlooked by the Academy feature film Cabin Boy he had won a place in my teenage comedy nerd heart alongside Letterman himself, Richard Pryor and George Carlin. I never forgot my dim, dusty memories of Get A Life though, particularly the episodes where Chris had to get his tonsils out and ends up dying under the knife and the one where Chris and his landlord (played by the inimitable Brian Doyle-Murray) found a perpetually vomiting alien they named Spewey, took him in, and then ended up eating him. There has never been a more bizarre TV show on network television, and I sincerely doubt there ever will be.
As with anything from my childhood, I was a little scared to watch Get A Life again. I didn’t want to sully my rosy remembrances of the show by exposing them to the harsh light of the present day, but Get A Life amazingly holds up well. The first episode, admittedly, isn’t the best exhibit of how bizarre the show really was, nor did it adequately display what an atypical main character Chris Peterson really was. In the first episode he’s actually kind of charming in a deluded man-child sort of way and is clearly being positioned to be some sort of slacker anti-hero. That all goes out the window in the second episode, thankfully, and the completely unmoored from the thin tethers of reality Chris I remembered is in full effect.

But first, let’s go over the first episode, shall we? The opening scene introduces us to Chris via some silly physical stuff, sets up that he’s a 30 year old paperboy who lives above his parent’s garage, and introduces Chris’ best friend Larry, who, to use the parlance of one off my colleagues, is something of a butt. I can see why the writers felt they needed him and his shrewish wife around as foils for Chris’ zaniness at first, at least until the viewer could get used to the Looney Tunes internal logic of the show, but my inner 13 year old was craving the full bore surrealism I remembered. My inner 13 year old also wanted to beat off and play Street Fighter 2 Turbo Edition but that’s a topic for another blog.
Back to episode 1: Chris crawls in Larry’s window and wakes him with a plan to ditch work and go to the amusement park for a day on the Hell Loop 2000, a rollercoaster with a 360 degree loop. Larry’s bitch wife wakes up and she and Chris engage in that early 90s sitcom witty repartee that Friends would run into the ground over the next 10 years. Eventually Chris convinces his henpecked bud to play hookey after calling his office and impersonating him using a 1970s street pimp patois wherein he simultaneously calls in sick and says his uncle died.
Once they arrive at the park, they of course get stuck at the top of the loop and hang upside down for several hours, eventually being interviewed by a local TV reporter played by MTV’s Julie Brown (not Downtown Julie Brown, the redhead). And of course Larry’s wife and kids are watching TV at the exact moment this news story is airing. After a few more minutes of Chris annoying and terrifying Larry, they finally make it down from the coaster, where Larry’s boss is coincidentally at the park and fires Larry. Chris, being an enormous jackass, saves the day by roping the mean boss into an impromptu news piece at which point he reluctantly gives Larry back his job. The episode ends with a Clapper joke, because it was the 90s.
Don’t get me wrong, the first episode isn’t bad, really, there are some solid jokes and the wisp of a plot is covered well by Elliot’s oddball charm and chemistry with Larry’s bitch wife. Chris’ dad’s disgust with him was pretty funny too, but episode 2 is where you really get a sense of how Get A Life wasn’t your typical sitcom. I’ve got four words for you: Handsome Boy Modeling School.
Chris’ delusions of grandeur were rarely funnier than in this episode, which featured a mercifully small amount of Larry and his family (now sporting two completely different kids) and the aforementioned Brian Doyle Murray as the head of the Handsome Boy Modeling School. The episode opens in his parents’ kitchen where Chris announces his intentions to become a male model, to much naked derision from his dad. Chris being Chris, he ignores this and is off to the races, starting with a great montage of silly model school antics. Along the way, he ignites a rivalry with fellow classmate Sapphire, which prompts him to change his name to Sparkles. After graduation, Chris gets his first job, working as the “Before” picture for a health drink, a purpose to which he is completely unaware. When asked to remove his top, Chris breaks into tears like a girl in an afterschool special about the seedy underworld of “swimsuit modeling”and goes into an emotional tailspin after being shown what he thinks is the tawdry underbelly of his profession of choice.
Chris’ logical progression from this point is to crash a runway show at a local department store, which we learned earlier was the pinnacle of his industry. He runs into Sapphire and starts a slapfight which ends with Sapphire being removed by the designer’s entourage and with Chris traipsing up and down the runway for what he assumes to be an adoring public. Chris’ triumph is summed up in voiceover as feeling like “Secretariat when he won the Indy 500.”
Episode 2 is just a taste of how magnificently weird the show would get as time when by, however.
WHO DIED: Nobody, but before long a running gag wherein Chris dies at the end of each episode with no mention made of it in subsequent episodes would start.
WHO FUCKED: Chris’ parents, maybe?
CHARACTER ACTORS TO LOOK FOR: Episode 1 has the biggest array, with several 90s sitcom mainstays and bit players on display, in particular Tracy Walter and Mike Hagerty. Episode 2 has Brian Doyle Murray prior to his later role as Chris’ landlord Gus.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Corner - Episode 2

So the focal point of the first episode of this thing was the pops - Gary. He had it all but then lost it all but still has a son who is 15 going on jail or maybe college ONLY TIME WILL TELL (but time will most likely be in a mini-series format). This second episode, that kid - DeAndre - is the focal point. And this episode made me think that HBO probably hasn't pushed this award-winning mini-series into the public consciousness so obviously because damn, it's a fucking trial run for The Wire, and they probably want you to drop the $589 on The Wire box set as opposed to whatever two discs of this thing would cost you (which being it is HBO, is still probably like $129... them motherfuckers have a 1980s VHS ninja movie brand new when it came out notion of charging people for things).
Many times through this episode, De'Andre is straight up an early version of Neiman (or however the fuck you spell it, probably something linguistically correct but wrong on purpose like "Naymin"... man can you imagine how fucked people's names are going to be once all these kids who text each other constantly start having babies too early, holy fuck there's going to be kids named things where you have to use four different sets of wingdings plus an ampersand, two numbers, and that spanish n thing to spell correctly... but anyways, that kid that was Weebay's son, that's who De'Andre is, but first), even with the cops talking about how he needs to cut his hair, and he has to give a speech and doesn't want to wear a suit but is smart because he can do things if only he had a chance. If only he had a half a chance. Knowwhatumsayin?
Anyhow, much like The Wire, this shit is well enough written and has some great fucking actors, most likely picked from the streets. A fun drinking game to play while watching is spotting actual The Wire characters in other roles. There's officer Sydnor, and he's a delinquent but loveable teenager. There's Prop Joe, except he has a high top fade and works in a sneaker store and don't know shit about Air Jordans. There's the straight haired dude who was the front owner for Avon's strip club, except he still has straight hair in a ponytail but is a recovered drug addict with a regular job and a nice car. There's the short fat white lady principal lady from the Kids Are Fucked season of The Wire, except she is some sort of manager person in a crab factory store of some sort. Hell, you even see walls and blocks they used in The Wire in this, because of the graffiti or the hill or the porch that Bunny and his wife were always sitting on. That's where De'Andre's aunt lives.
The hard part at this point is this thing only has six episodes, and having watched The Wire, and it being written and conjured up by the same pack of dudes, I have to assume the tragic end of De'Andre is going to be the end of this thing. The funny thing at this point is I was absolutely confident that the dude playing De'Andre was actually the same dude who played Marlo Stanfield, but with hyphy huntsville dreads instead, and my wife was like, "you stupid," and made a joke about how I think they all look alike having grown up in Farmville, Virginia, don't I? I internetted it the next day and she was right; I guess I'm racist and don't even know it.
The first one was called "Gary's Blues" and this was "De'Andre's Blues" and the third is called "Fran's Blues" which is his mom, who is straight up fucked and the least likeable character in this shit. Like I hate her.
The Corner is also not so over-the-top brutal as The Wire. Like the drug dealer dude beats up people, not kills them. I don't even think anybody has died yet. Two episodes into The Wire and there'd be a serious body count already. This of course worries me because I'm going to get into the wrong person as a character and that's gonna be the asshole that is the one death this thing is building up to climactically, to show me just how fucked the ghetto is.
You know what show? I been around the ghetto enough when I lived in Richmond. I know it's fucked already, seriously fucked. You can't change that. And you motherfuckers entertaining everybody with how fucked it is, what changes? Nothing. Awareness is overrated. Nonetheless, I look forward to Fran's Blues episode because I hate that bitch. She triflin' as fuck.

Beaver and Buffcoat

Im trying to remember the first time I ever watched Beaver and Buffcoat. I know it was in 1993 near the beginning. I had not heard about it or anything. So it had to be before it got really popular. But I can't quite remember which one. They all sorta bleed together for me. I remember my mother getting really upset when she saw the show and actually made an attempt to stop me from watching it. I think its because I used the word horny to describe an old person. I had thidea that horny meant you were old and grouchy, or in a bad mood. As I got older I learned I was at the very least partially correct.

My mother was so adamant about this this that MTV actually got blocked for a brief period. This was a huge war brewing in the Rodgers home. Or at least it was for me because this was one of the best things I had ever experienced. So I was determined to watch it. It was cool because at the time it was on a lot. An hour at 6 pm and a hour at 11/midnight. Unfortunatly by the time this was reslved MTV had caved like the spineless wimps they are and airings became really eratic. I remember watching MTV for hours hoping to see the black screen and hearing the laughing.

The funny thing is Mama became a big fan of the show. She thought it was hilarious because she got the humor of it. Of course we had this fight in 1990 over the Simpsons when I told another kid to stick their finger up their but. Which was mistakenly attributed to the Simpsons. By 93 she thought it was great. The argument got started again with South Park in 1997. But by then I was 16 so it did not matter.

Okay thats a long way to get to my point. I bought the first Mike Judge Collection for cheap at walmart last month. ay what you will about Walmart but if you keep your eyes open you can find great deals on dvd sets.

It was hilarious. so hilarious I can barely remember them from laughing. I went right out and bought volume 2. Volume 2 was even funnier but I was laughing too hard to remember much. But tonight I put in the bonus disc included with a preview for volume 3.

Butt Flambe

This was incredible. This could have been the Beavis and Butthead movie. it feels like we missed the first act. The duo are walking into the Emergency Room Butthead is his usual jovial self. But Beavis is in terrible pain with his butt badly burnt. We see the return of Harry Sach (from Prank Call) and he is bleeding from three slugs in the gut. Beavis finally gets admitted after seeing the damage done to his anus. There is something hilarious about Beavis being in so much pain. I think it is because he starts sounding like a real person. There is also a sub plot about Butthead going around the hospital posing as a doctor. Thats about all I can say without spoiling it.

A Great Day

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I think no episode sums up the appeal of the show like this one. the boys are having the bst day of their lives. School is closed, they find porn an a lot of cool stuff happens. I think the only real moral in this show is enjoying the small things in live and appreciating what you have. Beaver and Buff Coat were dealt a pretty shitty lot in life but it never gets them down. They are always in a good mood (well Butthead is) and they find happiness where they can find it. Whether its finding porn, watching dogs hump or getting twenty bucks from Jeffery Dahmer. Watching this put me in a good mood.

Take A Lap

This was the first episode on the disc. i went in reverse order because I could not remember the episode title. The weakest one on the disc but still funny. Beewax and Bongo are watching an infomercial on tv. Remember that really energetic guy with the blond hair and ponytail who was always hocking some equipment? Well its him. He tells them they need his Megagain powder. Unable to order it they go to stewerts House and make their own protein shake with pork and beans and ice cream among other things.

I like this episode fine but its not better than Water Safety or Beard Boys, two episodes kept off dvd.

I will probably write more about Volume 3 and get into the third that suck.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dallas Season 2, Episode 1

"Reunion Part 1"

Ooooooh, a two parter! This episode is now considered the first episode of season two, although some purists contest that it is in fact the first episode of the actual first season. Pro Tip- If you consider yourself to be a Dallas purist you probably should just kill yourself right now. Hope that helps!

The episode opens with Ray Krebbs pulling up to Southfork with a truckload of hay while Jock, Miss Ellie, JR, Sue Ellen, Lucy, Pam and Bobby are enjoying themselves around the pool while Raul, Teresa and all the other Mexican servants not important enough to have names wait on them hand and foot. JR is going over some business related papers. Sue Ellen is doing a crossword puzzle. Lucy looks like she's bored of being rich and slutty. Bobby and the recently miscarried Pam frolic in the pool. Jock and Miss Ellie are guzzling mojitos. Sue Ellen is stuck on a five letter word for water markers. JR looks up and sees Pam's huge tits poking out of the water as she does the backstroke and mutters out "buoys". Hey! Another Dallas laugh track moment! Pam and Bobby engage in a playful round of water games, thankfully not involving urine or fecal matter. Jock sternly warns Pam to take it easy, on account of her recently having a dead baby taken out of her uterus. Pam rolls her eyes and Miss Ellie tells him to step off. Jock then loses yet another game of backgammon. I have always been perplexed as to why the Ewings chose backgammon as their family game. The late 70's were the golden age of board games, and the fact that they chose such a lame ass, vanilla game like backgammon kinda goes against the Ewing family credo of "WE HAVE COOL SHIT THAT YOU CAN NEVER AFFORD!" Literally everyone can afford a backgammon board. With their kind of money and amount of property they owned, the Ewings could've easily hired a bunch of Mexicans and hunted them for sport. The idea of Jock having a den where the walls are covered with mounted human heads makes me glow with happiness. I can imagine JR keeping a framed picture of him, Jock and Bobby all kneeling over the body of a particularly crafty farm hand they had to track for three days before finally gunning him down. Dallas as a show was pretty untouchable, but it's the little details like this that drive me insane sometimes, ya know? Anyway, like I was saying. So Pam and Bobby get out of the pool and Jock once again tells Pam to take it easy. She tells him she's fine and storms off. She's still mad at Jock for epically sonning Digger at the BBQ. You can totally see Pam's nipples through her bathing suit. They appear to be normally shaped, but with salami sized arreolas. Which is cool, I guess.

Apparently there is a big time cattle auction coming up that Jock is all excited about. JR doesn't seem to give a shit. Bobby won't be able to attend because he's going to Vegas on family business. Sue Ellen sees this as the perfect opportunity for JR to spend some quality time with Jock and volunteers him to go. JR isn't too keen on this, but once Sue Ellen reminds him that Jock hates his guts and loves Bobby he relents, but not before putting her in her place. Miss Ellie mentions that their long lost son, Gary, was the true cowboy of the family. After the name "Gary" is spoken, no one has anything to say. Lucy finds this to be humorous.

Pam and Bobby go inside. Pam calls Bobby out on not telling her that he was going to Vegas. He tells her that he didn't tell her because it was going to be a surprise. They're BOTH going! Musical cut scene! A nice little montage airs of the Vegas strip. Now, I SWEAR TO GOD that when I first watched this episode in syndication back in like... '84 I think, that they used Viva Las Vegas for this montage. Now, with licensing fees being what they are, we are treated to a Las Vegas strip montage with the Dallas theme song. Sure, the Dallas theme song is bad ass and all, but unless it's playing over a bird's eye view of Texas, it just doesn't fit. As Bobby is shaking hands and giving hugs to a bunch rich white folks a weird, child molester looking fellow creeps up behind him and gives a strange, knowing look as Bobby walks away. HMMMMMM.

Meanwhile, back at the cattle auction Jock is sitting in the stands with Ray, JR and Lucy, grinning like an idiot as the auctioneer sells off cattle. Lucy tells Jock she wants to go to a western store, so he gives her some money and tells her to take Ray. She tells Ray to buzz off, she's sneaking out again! Pam's idiot cousin Jimmy shows up to pick her up. Lucy tells Ray if he doesn't let her go that she's going to tell Jock about their previous bonings. Ray lets her leave with Jimmy, even though he's now played by a different actor!

Billy takes her to a little shit hole diner called "The Hot Biscuit". A quick search on Urban Dictionary reveals that "hot biscuit" has two meanings.
1- A woman that is so hot she makes you melt like the butter on a hot biscuit.
2- To look stupid;bad;ugly;rough
This Jimmy may somehow be an ever bigger clod than the original. A blond, comely waitress is wiping down tables. Lucy walks up to her a gives her a hug. Turns out that Lucy has found her mother, Valene!

Back in Vegas, the last of Bobby's party guests leave. There's a knock at the door, Bobby opens it and a hotel servant walks in and announces that it's clean up time. Bobby tells him that he and his wife are about to go to the pool, but the man insists on cleaning now. Bobby has had enough of this man and grabs him and turns him around. It's the child molester looking guy from early. This is his long lost brother, Gary! Bobby is excited! The brothers embrace. Pam comes walking down the stairs and sees her husband hugging the shit out of some other dude and is all WTF? Bobby introduces her to his BROTHER Gary!

Valene and Lucy are sitting outside. Val tells Lucy the story about how Gary statutory raped his way into her heart. They ended up getting married shortly there after. She tells Lucy how great everything went until she met his family. They weren't cool on Gary marrying an under aged nobody.

Gary is telling Pam and Bobby the story about how he got $40k in debt gambling, got his ass kicked and got on the booze. He says the way he stopped drinking was by becoming a bartender and he quit gambling by becoming a blackjack dealer. Pam tells Gary that they both share a hatred of JR!

Lucy tells Valene that they should get an apartment together. Val says no way, JR will have her killed. He already tracked her down once before, when she left the state with Lucy when she was a baby. Jimmy picks Lucy up and they take off.

Bobby tells Gary that Lucy is growing up to into a fine woman. Pam tells Gary that's not entirely true and stops just short of telling him his daughter is a whore. Bobby picks up the phone and tells Gary that he's calling home to tell Miss Ellie that Gary's coming home with them. Gary's like WHOA SLOW DOWN, MAN. He's afraid of JR still. Bobby tells him not to worry, it'll be cool. Gary is undecided. He tells them that he'll meet them for dinner. Pam doesn't believe that JR and Jock will go easy on Gary.

At dinner Gary tells Pam that he doesn't hate JR or Jock anymore, but he doesn't need to see them. He says he misses Miss Ellie but he can live without her too. But the one person he can't live without seeing again is Lucy. Bobby walks in and says that he just bought 3 1st class tickets so they can all go home!

Back at Southfork Miss Ellie comes running outside babbling on like a damned meth addict. She tells Jock that Gary's coming home and that no one is to leave the house today. She then turns her attention to JR and tells him he better be nice to Gary... or ELSE. She then tells Jock not to be a dick to Gary and no putting up walls and Jock unleashes on her and tells her that he has a son he hardly even knows. "I'm not thinking about putting up walls! I'm thinking about tearing 'em down! You ought to know that, Miss Ellie." Sue Ellen tells JR that he's going to have yet another brother to contend with. JR walks inside and pours himself a drink. Sue Ellen keeps harping on him. JR tells her that Gary's weak and always runs away when shit gets real.

Lucy heads down to stables and tells Ray that she thinks they should start boning again. Ray's not interested. She says Jimmy's not man enough for her. She throws herself at Ray, who pushes her away. Just then, Pam, Gary and Bobby pull up in Bobby's faggot car. Gary gets out and gives Miss Ellie a hug and shakes hands with Jock as Ray looks on with a pair of binoculars. Lucy has no idea who Gary is so she runs up to the house. Father and daughter have a nice, tender moment.

Bobby is telling the family about how he stumbled upon Gary. JR says that no one wants to hear about this. Jock demands that they all clear the air, right here, right now. He even challenges them to punch him in the mouth! Of course, no one takes Jock up on this offer because he's Jock Ewing and they're all a bunch of bitches. JR takes the opportunity to apologize to Gary. Gary says they're cool. Air cleared, apparently.

Gary gets up in the middle of the night for a glass of milk. Bobby joins him. They share memories about how they used to get up and drink milk in the middle of the night. Miss Ellie walks in and tells them how happy she is to see them sitting at the table, sharing stories about sitting at the table. Bobby goes to bed. Miss Ellie tells Gary how much she missed him. Gary says that he's glad he came home for a visit. Miss Ellie says UH, NO SWEETIE, YOU'RE HOME FOR GOOD. Gary looks a bit... perturbed.

The next morning Lucy grabs Gary and tells him he has to take her to Fort Worth because she has something to show him. They pull up to the Hot Biscuit. Valene is happy to see Lucy, but she sees Gary and gets all retarded.

Back at Southfork, Pamela gets a call from her Aunt Maggie. Digger is in the hospital, detoxing. Bobby offers to go with her, but she doesn't think bringing the son of the man who clowned his ass so royally is a good idea.

Valene is dropping plates and spilling drinks left and right while Lucy and Gary sit down and watch. Gary asks how she found Val. Turns out Val found Lucy. Val's boss finally gets sick of her knocking shit over so he tells her to take a break. Gary tells her that life at the ranch is good and that Val still looks good. He tells her that she should come back to the ranch with them. She doesn't think JR would like that. Gary says that he's got JR handled. He tells her everything has changed now. This time, Val's a legal adult. Then Lucy comes over and asks her to come back to the ranch with them. Val finally gives in. Lucy wants it to be a surprise. Val insists he call first. Gary calls first.

Jock hears that Digger is in the drunk ward. Jock laughs. Bobby tells him that he's mean and Jock tells him to STFU. Raul gives Miss Ellie the phone. Miss Ellie walks out and says that Gary is bringing Valene back home. JR is all WTF? I TOLD HER TO STAY OUT OF TEXAS! Jock and Miss Ellie say it's fine for her to come to the ranch. JR says she's a tramp. JR goes inside and calls his book keeper and tells him he wants him to take one of their shitty companies they were going to liquidate and to cook the books to make it look like it's making money. He's going to put Gary in charge of this shitty business, so that when it loses money he'll freak out and run away again. Will JR succeed with his diabolical scheme? We'll find out in part two!

People who got punched: No one
People who boned: Jock and Miss Ellie
Memorable JR quote: "Are you finished? Now Sue Ellen, don't you ever try to tell me how to run my business. Ewing Oil is bigger than it ever has been. You know why? It's real simple honey, it's because of me. And I got brother Bobby running errands so fast he hasn't even found the washroom yet, and I don't think he ever will. So if you want to keep sleeping between those satin sheets, don't you ever try to tell me how to run my business!"

The Corner - Episode 1

(I know there's some stupid fucking website stamp on this stolen image, but google image search has changed itself apparently to make it harder for me to find appropriate copyrighted material to use in unread blog posts... you'll have to deal with this.)

When I signed my multi-year personal obligation for content to TV Makes You Retarded, I originally was like, "Oh snap, I'm gonna rewatch stupid HBO series from Netflix and do the stupid meta-scientifical nonsense I've always wanted to do but been afraid to do, since the internet feeds on immediacy and doesn't give a fuck about some old shit." And this is what I still intend to do. But intentions and deliveries are always two completely different shits, especially with a mad genius lethargic minor league drug addict genetic alcoholic chicken farming piece of shit like myself. It is really really really hard to deliver on everything you plan on delivering to the internet when you're busy searching through the porn spambots on craigslist casual encounters to find a Filipino transsexual to help you give your mistress her first double penetration experience. (Really, transsexual is the only way to go in such a situation, because the real thing feels so much better than a dildo, but you don't want to have another dude banging on your girlfriend that your wife doesn't know about.)
Well, it turns out in not paying attention to my stupid queue, and not watching the first one, I ended up with both discs of The Corner HBO mini-series without even really knowing what the fuck it even was, other than some shit that was on HBO and came highly recommended by artifical intelligentsia programs by my previous likes and star-ratings. Turns out that Roc aka Charles Dutton grew up a drug addict in 1980s Baltimore or something and did a pseudo-documentary mini-series that was basically a trial run for The Wire. In fact, upon watching the first episode and realizing how much The Wire came from this (end credits showed all the same dudes and jews and brainstems were involved in this as that), I am very surprised the internet has not told me about this The Corner before.
Let's face it, large chunks of the internet are dominated by white guys who grew up as part of the hip hop generation and have opinions for you. And for this bulging demographic, The Wire is usually the standard show they are like, "Oh man, best TV show ever, nothing has ever been more realistic," even though most of these guys have never been in a ghetto ass environment like that more than two or three times, and those were usually to buy weed with a black guy they worked with at some sort of restaurant they worked at during their college years. Also, that demographic loves to be the type to be ultra-more down than anybody else and know the super obscure great hotness that nobody else is ultra-down enough to know about yet. That would be The Corner. Except it isn't.
The first thing I was struck by was how this is basically the Every Black Person Who Ever Was In The Wire casting competition. I was having a great time figuring out who was who to match up, like "Where did I know that guy from?" The obvious one was Lester Freeman, who plays a junkie in The Corner. He does not work at all as a junkie because he's going on these well-enunciated soliloquies, and it doesn't work. He works perfect as Freeman, and in that show, your average TV watching faggot would likely think, "Man, this Lester Freeman dude is a great fucking actor." But in The Corner, he really middling, and not very good.
Other guys I noticed were Clay Davis' limo driver (who plays a junkie in The Corner) and Lt. Daniels first wife - the black one (who plays a junkie), and the one that tripped me up because of his unmistakeable voice which I recognized before I could match the characters was that guy who was the campaign manager for the white politician asshole in The Wire (he plays a junkie in The Corner).
The main junkie is played by T.K. Carter, who I don't recognize but the name is familiar as fuck. He either was the black guy on Designing Women during a scab year of contract dilemmas or he used to be on The Steve Harvey radio show back when I worked with black people and we'd listen to that at the jobsite. But he does a great fucking job being subtle about things, just generally being a good fucking actor.
Basically the story is this - main junkie dude (named Gary) used to have it all - a Benz, a job, an old lady, a house of his own, all types of good shit, but then he got cracked out and now is fucked and lives in his parents' basement again. His former old lady and him had a kid who now is 15 and starting to feel the draw of the streets, so could fuck his own life up right quick.
You see, Baltimore used to have it all too - black people with corner stores where the jews who ran it were good dudes and hired local kids, flowers on the sidewalks, black dudes singing doo-wop in groups on the corner, but then it all went to shit. This seems to be blamed on crack, which "changed the game" as is said a few times. But now everybody is back to heroin (referred to mostly as "heron" in street vernacular because there is no "I" in heroin since it takes your soul), which to me seems worse. In my lifetime of experiencing fucked up people, heroin junkies tend to be much more depraved and apt to do really screwed up things for drugs or money than crackheads. There's a certain amount of comedic relief even to crackheads, because they are so crackheady. But heroin junkies... oh man.
Which this is the problem I had with the first episode of The Corner. The junkie dude is just now getting to a deeper part of his addiction, to where he gets arrested for the first time. But he is supposed to be a junkie, but with morals. His parents still let him live in the basement, and his 15-year-old kid still talks to him and even hooks him up sometimes. This is not a heroin junkie, at least not as far as I've known.
But hey, it's TV, so it's not supposed to be real, even if this is a faux documentary to try and be real. It's realness is the realness of the streets, and how we've all gone to hell. Which we have of course. But at least they make nice TV shows about it so we can enjoy, in the comfort of our own homes in front of our big goddamned TVs, how realistic this hellish life we all are ultra-down with and completely understand truly is.
I look forward to the second episode though. My wife hated The Wire because it was too depressing since everybody sucked, and she liked this better but foresees the same thing happening. I mostly am anxious to see who shows up first - Prop Joe or Omar - and whether their character will be a junkie or a junkie. Being I have not actually looked at TV Makes You Retarded Yet, I will simply assume that the common reviewing/recapping method is to give it a power viewing ranking from 1 to 123, with an up-to-ten plus-or-minus factor in the three categories of Awesomeness, Introspection, and Need-To-See-Itness, which would be a 92 (pretty good, kept me interested as fuck), plus 7 (seeing the realistic suckiness of black people in the ghetto is always great to me, because I used to really like DJ Quik music, but it could really use some titties, being it's HBO, and me liking titties), plus 8 (very serious, which you shoulda known with Charles Dutton involved, because that motherfucker is nothing but serious, which I guess being a black hunchback from Baltimore will do to you), and plus 10 (duh... semi-obscure pre-cursor to The Wire... for one or two threads, you could be the coolest person in your favorite message board).